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Vice-President Overview

  • Attends skating sessions as much as possible to keep informed and available to the membership as needed.

  • Submits a monthly report prior to our monthly Executive meetings and attends all Executive meetings throughout the year.

  • Performs additional duties as assigned by the President. Involved in the day to day operations/ special projects as personal skills dictate.

  • To take on any tasks and/or duties that club need assistance with such as but not limited to; fundraising events, registrations etc.

  • Replaces the President’s absences as Chair of Executive and/or Committee meetings if required.

  • Maintains open communication with the Club, President, and Executive members to ensure a full understanding of club activities and current issues.

  • Involved in problem solving or dispute resolution as needed, keeping a neutral stance and the interests of the entire club as the basis for decision making.

  • Manages changes or amendments to the Club Constitution.

  • Coordinate Annual Club Scholarships awarded at club AGM. Helps coordinate AGM

    awards presentations.

  • Prepare an annual report (in conjunction with and input from the Director(s) of Skating,

    President and Executive), outlining the year’s activities, to be presented at the AGM, for the information of the Club membership.

 © Juan de Fuca Skating 

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