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Thank You!

Director, Publicity

Spooky Spectacular Skate-A-Thon was a huge success yet again.

We raised a total of $1060!!! This is fantastic. We rely on families to help fundraise each year to assist the club in keeping our ice feels lower. We aim each year to make skating accessible for all. We appreciate everyone who participated and brought in pledges and dressed up to make this event fun for everyone.

We do have some winners we would like to acknowldge.

Thursday Group A (total $150.00) 1st place - Isabella $100.00 Thursday Group B (total $210.00) 1st place - Avery P. $100.00 Thursday Canskate (total $10.00) 1st place - Kilian $10.00

Saturday Group C (total $580.00) 1st place - Jayda $530.00

Saturday Group D (total $60.00)

1st place - Alexandra $50.00

Saturday Canskate (total $30.00)

1st place - Taliyah $30.00

Thank you again from all the coaches and board members. If you missed out on handing in pledge money please see Leslee Rushton at your skaters next lesson and you can hand it to her directly.

Here's a look at all the fun costumes we got to see this week!

Thanks again!


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