Is CanSkate is the right program for you ?
What is CanSkate ?
CanSkate is a dynamic learn-to-skate program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. Based on Sport Canada’s long term athlete development (LTAD) principles, CanSkate centers on physical literacy and the fundamental skills needed to take part in any ice sport or to skate as a recreational activity.
Who’s it for ?
For beginners of all ages, children or adults, as well as for those wishing to improve their basic skills whether their focus be for figure skating, hockey, speed skating or just skating for fun.
The age range on these sessions are typically 3-15 years old. The club is rebuilding our Learn to Skate program for the youth of the community, and due to COVID restrictions, at this time are not mixing those of age 22+ over with our youth programs. Most recreation centre programs have adult sessions and adult lessons available.
Who teaches it ?
NCCP-trained professional coaches, assisted by trained program assistants.
What will you learn ?
A complete series of balance, control and agility skills taught in six stages of learning that pertain to hockey, ringette, speed skating and figure skating as well as general recreational skating. CanSkate uses nationally-tested and proven curriculum and delivery methods that guarantee skater success in developing stronger basic skills and developing them faster.
What can you expect?
Action, movement and fun! Lessons are given in a group format with a coach-to-student ratio of a maximum 1:10. Skaters progress at their own rate and coaches make sessions active using teaching aids, upbeat music and a wide variety of activities that create a motivational environment and promote learning. Badges, ribbons and other incentives are used to benchmark skaters’ progress and reward effort and participation.
The curriculum is presented in three progressive levels complete with its own awards to encourage participation and motivate skaters. Pre-Power has been designed to run concurrently with CanSkate sessions.
What to Wear/Bring to my lesson?
CSA approved helmet is mandatory
Most bike helmets are not CSA approved, please see a coach at the rink if your unsure about your helmet.
CanSkaters must have a CSA approved helmet (ie- hockey helmet). Bike, skateboarding, snowboarding, etchelmets are not permitted due to insurance.
We do not rent/loan skates, if you have any questions on purchasing skates please see one of our coaches at the rink.
Generally, figure skates are easier to learn with as the blade is slightly longer and there is a toe pick. When choosing a skate, it is important that there is ankle support and the child is fitted to the correct size. Skates that are too big tend to make the skater trip. Also, check to make sure the blades are sharpened before the first class. Often new skates do not come pre-sharpened.
Clothing that allows freedom of movement
ie: stretch pants o No Jeans or Snow Pants
A warm sweater
No bulky winter coats
A layered ‘lululemon look’ is best for warmth and mobility
Warm Gloves or Mittens
Running Shoes
Children will do an off-ice warm up prior to lacing up their skates, please see schedule for times applicable to your session
*Kids registered in Pre-Power may wear hockey gear, but not required
How often do I sharpen my skates?
CanSkate – approx. every 2 months
StarSkate/Competitive Skaters – approx. every 6 weeks
What group is my child in?
Skaters who have been wiith our program in the past will be grouped according to the last level they skated in
New members will start in Pre-CanSkate and will be assessed and where applicable placed in a different group appropriate to their skill level as quickly as possible
Assessments are ongoing throughout the year to ensure all skaters are learning relevant skills applicable to them in a progressive and sequential manner.
There are no ‘Test days’ in CanSkate, children are assessed as required at anytime

We take attendance, skaters must sign-in at the table for every session.
Table will be set up by the arena entrance.
Skaters must pick up their nametag before each session, and drop it off after each session at the sign-in table.
** Skaters are encouraged to arrive with their skates already on **
20 minutes before the session = skaters who need to lace up may enter the arena and are to use the dressing rooms down the tunnel.
10 minutes before the session = skaters who have their skates on may enter the arena, wearing their guards.
5 minutes before the session = all skaters are to be at the far end of the lobby with skates, gloves and helmets on, and guards off. Parents are responsible for taking off and keeping their skater(s) guards. A PA or PA Buddy or Coach will be there to group the skaters.
Skaters must wear a CSA approved helmet.
NO bike or ski helmets please.
Face cage is optional.
Skaters can leave their skate bags in the dressing room.
Lobby & Ice Gate = parents are not permitted to linger.
A PA or PA Buddy or Coach will stay with the skaters until they are to go on the ice.
Parents are to watch up in the stands
Parents must remain in the stands during the session incase your skater(s) need to leave the ice or in the event of an emergency.
Entrance/ exit to and from the stands is from the lobby.
Parents are to meet their skater(s) at the end of the lobby by the tunnel entrance.
Skaters who wish to take off their skates after the session must use the dressing rooms.
If leaving the facility with your child wearing skates please wait until the lobby is clear or leave through the doors at the front of the facility by the admin doors.