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Publicity overview

  • Arranges all advertising of registration with newspapers (Gazette, Island Parent), Shaw Cable and the arena signage.

  • Sends test results to Thin Ice and Gold Feet awards.

  • Sends results of competitions to the Gazette and Times Colonist and CHEK News.

  • Arranges for newspaper articles of special events or special accomplishments by members.

  • Keeps current information on the bulletin board. Use pictures, etc, in the glassed-in section.

  • Takes photos of different events, volunteers, and sessions for publication in the arena and

    on the club website, Facebook page and Instagram account.

  • Attends monthly Executive meetings and submits a written report with updated information

    ready to present.

  • Provides a proposal for a yearly budget to be approved by the Executive.

  • Creates blog posts to keep members up to date with ongoings of the club.

    o Director of Skating to provide some input to these posts.

  • Keep website up to date and with current information.

  • Updates various social media with current information and create engagement with our


  • Send out emails as needed to members.

 © Juan de Fuca Skating 

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