Westhills (City Centre Park) Facility Updates
Westhills Ice Arena Update
Received as of December 3, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Hi all,
As I'm sure many of you have heard, there are again new restrictions for sports in BC as follows:
New temporary measures are in place suspending all indoor and outdoor team sports for people 19 years of age and older.
To read more on these measures and whether they apply to you please visit:
New temporary measures require that all organized indoor and outdoor sports for people under 19 years of age must follow viaSport's Return to Sport Phase 2 guidance with respect to maintaining physical distance for participants. This means games, tournaments and competitions are temporarily suspended for teams. Individual drills and modified training activities can continue. Additionally 3m physical distancing is now required as well as the new requirements for no spectators and no travel. For more information on Viasports phase 2 restrictions please visit:
The public health order on Gatherings and Events has been updated with new information for sports and recreation
This updated order can be found here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/covid-19/covid-19-pho-order-gatherings-events.pdf
Please let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to cancel any of your bookings from now until Monday based on these new restrictions.We expect more guidance next week.
Thanks and stay safe.
The following changes at City Centre Park effective immediately and until orders are withdrawn:
Received on November 20, 2020
** Games, competitions and practices can continue with no spectators and no travel. No spectators are allowed at any sport activities under the order. The only people permitted to attend sport activities are those that provide care to a participant or player. For example, providing first aid. Travel to, from and between regions for athletic activities like games, competitions, training and practice is prohibited. High performance athletes are not included in the order. To qualify as a high performance athlete, you must be identified by the Canadian Sports Institute Pacific as a high performance athlete affiliated with an accredited provincial or national sports organization already training in B.C.Continuing to follow the safety guidelines of your provincial sports organization
** Masks are now required for everyone in all public indoor settings and workplaces. People who cannot put on or remove a mask on their own are exempt. Masks may still be removed when on the field of play.
City Centre Park Updates
Received on November 16, 2020
Hello All;
Hope this finds you well, and I want to say thank you to everyone for all of the efforts in ensuring all of the participants within your groups are following the guidelines and provincial health orders for Covid safety at City Centre Park. Due to the changing public health orders and viaSport guidelines we wanted to send an update and some clarification to all of our Westhills Ice Arena users. Please note below:
Where a space is large enough to allow appropriate distancing between people, recreation facilities can accommodate more than 50 people safely however the public health order for gatherings and events is still in effect.The language in the PHO is changed often. This order bans events which could result in more than 50 people gathering together. “Event” refers to anything which gathers people together whether on a one-time, regular or irregular basis but expressly excludes regularly scheduled classes or practices. I have received guidance from Viasport that games, even in a recreational youth league capacity are considered events for the purpose of this order. If your organization offers "events" at Westhills Arena, you need to ensure that your program follows all of the requirements of this order. In particular organizations are responsible to control access to the arena during their events, monitor the number of patrons, collect & retain each persons name & contact information and put in place measures to prevent congregation inside & outside of the facility and ensure physical distancing requirements are met.
'Spectators are not permitted for “events” such as games. Where organizers permit spectators at practices - they are limited to one guardian per participant. There is to be no loitering or standing in hallways or lobbies. Spectators are not to enter the arena until the start of the session and must vacate immediately at the end of the session. No minors or pets are permitted in the spectator area.
Thank you again for all of your cooperation in following the guidelines and safety protocols at City Centre Park.
Thanks and stay safe.