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JDFSC Tentative Revised Sept to Dec 2021 Schedule

REGISTRATION on Uplifter  is now available!

Please check the homepage of the website as more information and details will be posted.  Thank you for your patience during these unusual times!



As of November 18th, 2021

Hello JDFSC Members,


It is important for all of our JDFSC members to understand:


It is mandated by the facility that our club must check for PoVs for all spectators aged 12+ at this time. If we do not have volunteers in place to check for PoVs, then the club cannot allow spectators.


That EVERYONE must follow these spectator guidelines in order to continue to enter and watch our skaters skate at this time. 


The JDFSC Board of Directors is constantly working to keep up to date with the changes to the mandates/ guidelines and restrictions that affect our club. Please know that all of our decisions are carefully considered for the safety and in the best interests of all our skaters, coaches, volunteers, facility staff and our parents/ spectators. 


If you have any concerns or are unhappy with club policies, please email the club at, so that they can be addressed properly.


We very much want to continue to have parents/spectators in the arena watching our skaters, please help us to keep this possible. 


These are challenging and stressful times for everyone, so let’s continue to be safe, to be calm and especially to be kind and respectful to one another.


The JDFSC Board of Directors have determined that these following changes will take effect immediately as of Thursday November 18th, 2021:


The 50 people max restriction is no longer in effect. Please sit physically distanced at least two seats from other families.


Masks are to be worn when inside the facility. Skaters do not have to wear their mask once they are on the ice.


  • All spectators aged 12+ must provide proof of vaccination (PoV) in order to enter and watch skaters during their sessions (as mandated by the facility).

  • Spectators must show their ID and PoV to one of our volunteers. 

  • Get your name on the list so you do not have to show your PoV and ID each time you enter. 

  • All JDFSC spectators MUST check in with the volunteers EVERY time at the JDF arena entrance.


PARENTS/SPECTATORS will NOW be allowed to watch their skaters for full sessions from the stands only. This applies to all of our programs.


  • Parents/spectators will be given a 15 minute window to check in with our volunteers (please see these check in times listed below). 

  • To allow skaters time to get on the ice first, viewing times will commence after skaters' on-ice start times.

  • These times also allow parents/spectators and skaters to leave the arena to minimize the amount of people in the lobby at one time.

  • Parents/spectators are not permitted to linger in the stands or lobby after their skaters session is finished. This again will help to minimize the amount of people coming and going through the lobby at one time keeping the lobby clear for skaters.



  • Will only be in place for the set 15 minute window check in times, after which they will go up to the stands to watch.

  • If parents/spectators leave the facility, they will not be permitted to re-enter after the check in times.

  • If there are no volunteers in place at the JDF entrance to check for PoVs, then parents/spectators are NOT allowed to enter. 


  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Please email the club email ( and Mrs. Rushton ( if you are able to volunteer.

  • Currently the club has only 7 volunteers who kindly signed up to help check for PoVs. We still hope that those 7 volunteers can continue to do the PoV checks. If those 7 could please confirm asap with Mrs. Rushton (


Parents/Spectators Check In Times

** These check in times help to minimize the amount of people in the lobby at one time, and to keep the lobby clear for skaters only. 


** ALL parents/ spectators need to check in and go right up to the stands, thank you for your cooperation. 


5:20-5:35pm - Group A + B parents

6:00-6:15pm - CanSkate parents (must be in stands in case your child needs to leave the ice)

7:15-7:30pm - Group D parents (this allows CanSkate group to leave first)


4:05-4:20pm - Group C parents

6:15-6:30pm - Group D parents (enter after the ice clean)



5:35-5:50pm - Group A + B parents

6:15-6:30pm - CanSkate parents (must be in stands in case your child needs to leave the ice)

7:30-7:45pm - Group D parents (this allows CanSkate group to leave first)



4:35-4:50pm - Group C parents

5:35-5:50pm - Group D parents


9:05-9:20am - Group C parents

10:00-10:15am - Group D parents

10:45-11:00am - CanSkate parents (must be in stands in case your child needs to leave the ice)



3:05-3:20pm - Group B + Kids Synchro parents

4:05-4:20pm - Group C parents

6:05-6:20pm - Group D parents (enter after the ice clean, if you choose to stay for the second freeskate please keep the lobby clear for skaters only)


THANK YOU for abiding by these parent/spectator check in times. We very much want to continue to have parents/spectators in the arena watching our skaters, please help us to keep this possible. 


Please continue to check the club website for updated information. HINT: JDFSC has some holiday events coming up!!


See you at the rink!





4:30-5:00 – Group A & B Off-Ice class *

5:15-5:25 – Group A & B Edge class *

5:25-5:55 – Group A & B Freeskate

5:55-6:10 – Group A & B Skills/Dance class *

6:10-6:20 – Ice Clean

6:20-7:05 – Canskate *

7:05-7:15 – Group D Spins

7:15-8:10 – Group D Freeskate

8:10-8:20 – Group D Edge class *



4:00-4:15 – Group C Edge Class *

4:15-5:00 – Group C Freeskate

5:00- 5:10 – Group C Spins

5:10-5:35 – Group C Skills/Dance

5:35-6:00 Group D Skills/Dance

6:00-6:10 – Ice Clean

6:10-7:10 – Group D Freeskate

7:10-7:20 - Group D Spins


9:00-9:50 pm – Adult Synchro



4:30-5:00 – Group A & B Off-Ice class *

5:30-5:40 – Group A & B Edge class

5:40-6:10 – Group A & B Freeskate

6:10-6:25 – Group A & B Skills/Dance class *

6:25-6:35 – Ice Clean

6:35-7:20 – Canskate *

7:20-7:30 – Group D Edge class *

7:30-8:20 – Group D Freeskate


4:30-5:15 – Group C Freeskate

5:15-5:30 – Group C Skills/Dance

6:00--6:30 – Group C Off-Ice class *

5:30-6:20 – Group D Freeskate

6:30-7:00 – Group D Off-Ice class *



8:15-8:45am – Group C Off-Ice class *

9:00-9:10am – Group C Edge class *

9:10-9:55 – Group C Freeskate

9:55-10:45 – Group D Freeskate

10:45-10:55 – Group D Edge class *

10:55-11:05 – Ice Clean

11:05-11:50 – Canskate *


3:00-4:00 – Group D Off-Ice class (Fitness studio) 

3:00-3:40 – Group B Freeskate (shared ice with kids Synchro)

3:40-3:50 – Group B Skills class*

3:50-4:00 – Group B Dance class*

4:00-4:10 – Group C Edge class *

4:10-5:00 – Group C Freeskate

5:00-5:25 – Group C Skills/Dance

5:25-5:50 – Group D Skills/Dance

5:50-6:00 – Ice Clean

6:00-6:50 – Group D Freeskate

6:50-7:00 – Ice Clean

7:00-7:50 – Group D Freeskate

 © Juan de Fuca Skating 

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